Wednesday 14 September 2011

Shipmates & Glue

So this summer, I set sail with the 'What's Love?' Crew on a voyage into the deep, blue sea of directing.  Having previously worked as part of other TV & film crews, I was keen to start working on plans of my own, and simultaneously, Justin Easton (Bassist from Medway band, 'Rocket Proof Glass') approached me, asking if I'd like to direct his music video.

I leaped at the chance, and started work fleshing out the band's idea into a script treatment.  After a few months of pre-production and planning, we finally started shooting the first scenes last week. I'll introduce you to some of the crew...

At the back there is Jesus. Oh no, sorry... That's Jon Henkel. He is the Director of Photography and the glue that sticks us all together.  Coming from a family of film-makers, Jon's knowledge and expertise have been an invaluable asset to the team, without which, I may have pulled out my own hair.

To the left is Justin Easton, who is not only the band's bassist, but also going to be doing some CGI work and helping with the editing and after effects side of things.  He makes us laugh, and can usually be found going to, coming from, or sitting on the loo... or else talking about it. During filming the most common sentence used is: "Justin, get out of the shot!"

To the right is Dan Wills, guitarist and front man in the band, and main character in the film.  Dan is so much fun, always asking after banana's and amusing us with his own brand of humour. Dan is such a placid person, that when his character requires him to be angry, we have to fill him with beer and get Bex to slap him round the face a bit. This usually seems to work.

Bex Wilkinson is at the front of the picture. She's our lean, mean, badass leading lady, who is absolutely brilliant to film.  The supplier of many a chortle, great shot, and some hilarious outtakes! It's been bloomin' marvelous to work with her.

There are many more band and crew members, which I shall tell you all about once I have photos of everyone.  So for now, I shall leave you with a picture of us letting our hair down after a long day of filming...


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